Saturday, May 30, 2020

Lorraine Kennedy - Free Essay Example

Are systematic synthetic phonics the most effective method to teach a child to read within the early years foundation stage. According to Nick Gibb (2017, p.1) â€Å"Teaching children to read is the key to unlocking human potential. It is the cornerstone of education.† Jim Rose (2006), has stated reading fluency is the ability to identify written words quickly, accurately and effortlessly. Additionally, children who have a love of reading, will gain essential skills that leads to them accessing necessary information through to adulthood. The more children read, the easier it becomes to decode words phonetically, which in turns contributes to them mastering reading through automatic recognition (Rose, 2006). As part of synthetic systematic phonics, children are taught a range of skills to help them recognise a word or letter then verbally repeat it (, 1997-2011). However, there appears to be some varying analogies from theorists regarding the way a child reads. Kathleen Rustle (2015) has emphasised effective reading skills can only be achieved through contentious intervention, instruction and practice. Whereas, Kenn Apel, Elizabeth Wilson-Fowler, Danielle Brimo and Nancy Perrin, (2012) have included orthographic awareness which is an essential skill and contributes to word reading proficiency. Additionally, Apel et al (2012) believe that the spelling of words comes from the knowledge of associating different letters with sounds contributes to a child learning a word. Furthermore, Robbins and Ehri (1994) believe there are four ways in which a child learns to read; sight reading, phonological recoding, analysing sight words and contextual guessing (cited in Jeffrey Walczyk, 2007). Whereas, Jay Samuels and Richard Flor (1997) and Charles Perfetti (1999) have suggested that a persons reading ability derives from both automaticity and verbal efficiency. This is often referred to as whole-word reading which requires reading a range of words on si ght (Marilyn Adams, 1998). Although some analogies, the combined theories seemingly link to phonic instruction within reading. Within the early years foundation stage (EYFS), children are often taught to read using systematic synthetic phonics via a range of suggested programmes such as; Read, Write, Inc1 See for additional information regarding this phonics programme. ; Letters and Sounds2 See for additional information regarding this phonics programme. and Jolly Phonics3 See for additional information regarding this phonics programme. (, 2018). Rose (2006) recommends children should be introduced to systematic synthetic phonics at the age of four which is when they move from nursery into reception. However, he has acknowledged that for some children this may be too young due to accompanying issues such as; speech and language issues; children who have English as an additional language and other special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Therefore, practitioners are instructed to use their profe ssional judgement and introduce children to phonics when they will benefit the individual child. Although phonics were not always widely favoured as a prime skill, Henrietta Dombey (2006), has argued the implementation of several components, such as phonics can contribute to a child becoming a fluent and confident reader. Furthermore, the implementation of phonemes and graphemes, which are part of phonics also support a child’s reading ability (literacy, 2016). Moreover, early research conducted by Jeanne Chall (1996), concluded that the implementation of phonics is more effective than whole-word methods when teaching a child to read due to variation in the deliverance (cited in Isabel Beck and Mark Beck, 2013). Chall (1996) discovered that whole-word methods were successful in early years, however, once they begin to move into key stage one (age 5 7), they begin to fall behind due to the inability to sound and blend words. There has been some scepticism regarding phonics mainly due to the use of ‘nonsense words,’ ‘grotty graphemes’ and pseudo-words (Patrick Goff, 2003). However, Goff (2003) states that although pseudo-words are not real words, they are spelt in predictable ways and therefore should not pose any real problems. Furthermore, Chall (1996) argues that the correct teaching of systematic synthetic phonics, allows children to fully deconstruct pseudo-words from correct words and is a skill children need to have. Additionally, Keith Stanovich (2000), Roland Good and Ruth Kaminski (2002), and Dombey (2006) also believe that children who have the ability to decode pseudo-words become proficient readers and is an important part of learning to read. On the contrary, John Hodgson et al (2013) and Andrew Davies (2014) have suggested phonics has attracted criticism due to the inclusion of pseudo-words which have no referential meaning and often confuse children, especially th eir spellings. in 2012, a study conducted by UK Literacy Association (UKLA) reported that introducing children to words that do not make sense contributes to the confusion and often the misspelling of words. In the same year, the government at the time introduced a phonics screening test with a range of pseudo-words. Therefore, implying they believe children need to have the ability to decipher the difference between nonsense words and real words. Part of the phonics screening test requires children to be able to read a mixture of pseudo-words and real words (, 2018). However, Carole Torgesson (2000), Stephanie Otaiba and Douglas Fuchs (2006), have reported that there are between 30-50 per cent of children who fail to respond to traditional intervention of phonics, specifically children who have dyslexia. According to the NHS (2018), someone with dyslexia may confuse the ordering of words, place letters around the wrong way and find it hard to carry out a sequence of directions. However, within the phonics test there are allowances for children who have additional needs. Arguably, children with dyslexia are not always diagnosed at an early age as there are several processes that that need to be completed first (NHS, 2018). Furthermore, it is only when a child has formally had a diagnosis that allowances will be made by the testing authority (, 2018). Additionally a formal education health care plan (EHCP) will need to be in place as evidence (NHS, 2018). Although Goff (2003) and Chall (1998) have implied that pseudo-words are written in a predictable way and make for proficient readers. Evidence provided by the NHS (2018), Davies (2014), Hodgson et al (2013) and the UKLA (2012), all imply that both real words and pseudo-words are commonly difficult for children with dyslexia. Thus, the screening test may be placing children with dyslexia at a disadvantage, which may also contribute to them not becoming fluent readers. Despite Chall’s (1996) findings being robust, it took several years before her theory regarding the use of phonics was implemented fully. Interestingly, she did not recommend the use of nonsense words and nor did the government at the time. To support Chall’s (1996) research, an independent report conducted by the national reading panel (NRP, 2000) defined phonics as an instruction strategy that teaches letters and sound associations which is then transferred though a child’s spelling and reading of words. Likewise, the Clackmannanshire4 Data produced within this 7 year longitudinal study can be located online at: report which was conducted by Rhona Johnston and Joyce Watson (2004) and the Rose5 Further information regarding the Rose report can be located online at: (2006) report considered the conceptual coherence of the use of systematic synthetic phonics stating, â€Å"it teaches children directly what they need to know† (Rose, 2006, Para.47). Furthermore, Rose’s (2006) meta-analysis showed that children learn to read through the manipulation of sounds not by whole-word reading, although it can aid in their ability to read (ibid). Thus, the research from NRP (2000), Johnston and Watson (2004) and Rose (2006) adds substance to Chall’s (1996) early findings of how phonics impact positively on a child’s reading. For the past decade, I have been involved in the observation of Read, Write, Inc, Jolly Phonics and participating in the deliverance of Letters and Sounds in a range of primary schools within the North East of England. Now, as a trainee teacher, the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics will be something I encounter throughout my career. Although I have some experience of phonics my knowledge as to why there were introduced was limited. Due to my own experience of learning in the eighties through whole-word reading, I was unsure of how the implementation of systematic synthetic phonics contributes to reading in children. Adams (1998) has implied that almost all public schools were using the whole word, look say and meaning first approach, with phonics used less frequently. Therefore, to be able to provide the children with the best start with their reading, I need to have a clear mindset on why using systematic synthetic phonics is the preferred way of teaching children to read fl uently. In order to examine systematic synthetic phonics further this study will explore some of the historical events which led to systematic synthetic phonics being introduced. Additionally, I will include key references from other parts of the world to add clarity to my findings. Further consideration of reading assessments will be discussed and why they are important and how the data produced may be used in the teaching phonics to children. There will be a focus on the independent report by Jim Rose (2006) and the Clackmannanshire report by Johnston and Watson (2004). Thus, the main enquiries of this study are: Does instruction in phonemic awareness improve reading achievement? Are assessments for learning in reading necessary? Do some phonics programmes work better than another? Are collaborative relationships between teachers and parents important? In 1997 the national literacy strategy was launched, then introduced in September 1998. The strategy was devised due to very little impact being made on raising standards within literacy compared to other countries (, 1997-2011). Prior to 1998, the teaching of reading in many classrooms consisted of children being read to by the teacher or independent reading. This type of reading was present in schools in the eighties and nineties and was often referred to as whole-word reading (Adams, 1998). Phonics were being used as part of the national curriculum (NC), but there were no written requirements or specific guidelines on how they needed to be taught and reading results were often below age-related expectations (, 1998). Although phonics were part of the NC they were frowned upon by many schools as there was no real evidence to suggest they secured a child’s reading ( 1997-2011). Moreover, there were no written requirements or specific guidelines on how they n eeded to be taught and reading results were often below age related expectations (, 1997-2011). Furthermore, Adams (1998) stated the teaching of phonics were being used minimally as there was no real evidence to suggest it would benefit or contribute to a child’s reading ability. As a result of teachers within primary not promoting or using phonics effectively, the government sought a way of making changes to help raise the standards (Rose, 2006). The Clackmannanshire 7-year longitudinal study by Johnston and Watson (2004), paved the way for Rose (2006) to conduct his own year long study. Rose (2006) drew upon the evidence produced as a way of gaining clarity on why phonics are key to children reading and how they should be best used. Within the report, recommendations from Rose (2006) stated that phonics were an integral part of a child’s reading and specifically systematic synthetic phonics. Previous recommendations within the NC advised schools to use analytic phonics, however the teaching and learning was slow and drawn out, which led to poor reading results. Data collected at the time indicated prior to 1997 the use of analytic phonics amounted to only 65 per cent of children achieved in reading. However, by 2005, nearly 80 per cent were achieving as a result of effective systematic synthetic phonic programs being used. Although there was a 15 per cent increase in reading outcomes, the government at the time, advised that there was still some work to be done in the raising of standards in reading across all ages ( 2005). Assessment of reading in in the late eighties and mid nineties in key stage 1 and 2 was monitored by a childs book choice and the progression onto a different series such as the Biff, Chip and Kipper series (, 2018), and the Peter and Jane reading books (, 2018). For a child to progress in any are of their learning, assessment for learning (AFL) needs to take place (, 1997-2011). The national strategy (1997), addressed issues surrounding assessment being limited, stating formative assessment concerns the actions we take to change the way we work with a child. Therefore, the use of formative assessment contributes to a child’s motivation and progress as they understood what they need to do to improve upon within their learning (,1997-2011, p:10). Early recommendations made by Dylan Wiliam and Paul Black (1998) and more recently by Bosanquet et al (2016), have all implied that learning is interactive and the teacher needs to adapt the learning environment to meet the needs of the children. Likewise, Lev Vygotsky (1978:p86 cited in Bosanquet et al, 2016) suggests that support and interaction can help children quickly learn and progress at a rapid speed. As part of the recommendations within Johnston and Watson’s (2004) Clackmannanshire report and Rose’s report (2006), it was a recommendation that children should be assessed to gain a starting point of where they were at in terms of phonetic knowledge and reading ability. From the assessment results, Rose (2006) suggested children’s learning would be enhanced as programmes would be differentiated to meet their individual needs. Similarly, children within Finland and Denmark are assessed on their abilities to help with their individual learning then groupings are identified (OFSTED, 2003). Therefore, in order for children to gain secure subject knowledge the implicit use of differentiation is paramount as they will be given the unique support required to help them become fluent readers. The explicit teaching of phonics was not part of my primary teaching. However, from an early age I was encouraged to blend words I found difficult from both teachers and parents. Dominic Wyse and Morag Styles (2007) reported, that the way in which I was taught to read was known solely as whole-word reading. This involved an element off reading words through analysis, arguably similar to blending in phonics. What is interesting about all these books is they all use analytic phonics to help teach children to read, each one having common words that were repeated and grown throughout each sub-level. However, as Adams (1998) has suggested, if schools at the time were not convinced phonics were effective, Adams (1998) informs us that by engaging schools, they may begin to rethink their role and the value of phonics within their engagement of reading. Within schools, unless phonics is implemented correctly, the reading ability may not be as good as those schools who follow programmes such a s Letters and Sounds, Read, Write Inc or Jolly Phonics. Recent reports have stated that teachers are overwhelmingly positive about phonics and their contribution to early reading development from an early age (Walker et al, 2013). Furthermore, data collected in a report by Walker et al (2013), found 89 per cent of respondents felt that systematic synthetic phonics played a valuable part within a learning environment. However, they do not believe that following one phonic programme is enough, but a combination of different methods are required for a childs development in phonics and reading (ibid). OFSTED (2010) supports the variety within the teaching of phonics and have acknowledged the importance of using complementary strategies to help children become fluent readers. Additionally, Rose (2006) and Foorman et al (2015) reinforces the use of a combination of methods and recommends the implementation from other programs can help to develop a child’s reading fluency. Thus, tea chers should have open access to a range of programmes to secure a child’s reading. As a parent myself I often question the importance of having phonetic awareness. In early 2000 when my child entered primary school, I had no prior knowledge of phonics and I often felt a little confused as to how I should be teaching my child to read. Wendy Jolliff et al (2015) have suggested parents still see the phonic processes as alien and do not support their children in their home because they have no prior education in this way of learning to read. Sui-Chu and Willms, (1996) have implied that parental involvement is an essential part of enhancing a child’s education, as they can see the links between home, school and the processes that are in place. Furthermore, adding integral reading at home supports the childrens development and understanding within their reading. Additionally, Paula Bosanquet, et al, (2016), have also advised that children who read at home and are introduced to text from an early age find reading easier. In turn they can read fluently at an earlier age in comparison to those children who do not read at home. To help eradicate the fears many parents have regarding systematic synthetic phonics, all schools should offer a range of support mechanisms to help alleviate their concerns (Gater and Yates, 2011). Furthermore, if the support is given to support parents with learning and understanding phonics, they may feel confident and encourage more reading at home from their children. To concur, Sui-Chu, Willms (1996) and Gater and Yates (2011) have advised that without parental involvement with the teaching of phonics, then a child will not make significant progress. Therefore, offering and encouraging parents to attend training in systematic synthetic phonics, may contribute to all children reading fluently. The recommendation of reading is only upon children having the ability to blend words using their phonetic ability (, 2013). The development of Letters and Sounds by the department for education and skills (DfES, 2007) aimed to help prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonetic knowledge (Rose, 2006). Although, the DfE (2007) provided a comprehensive planning document with resources, the only formal training provided was by the local authority or self-generated training which led to schools delivering systematic synthetic phonics their own way. Diane McGuinness (1997) has supported the need for training, suggesting that for a teacher to be confident in delivering a new national curriculum, then there needs to be enough support put in place so that they feel comfortable in the delivery and confident in the approach used. Furthermore, there needs to be money available to support schools with the implementation of a range of programs McGuinness (1997). Therefo re, if teachers are given the support and funding required to teach phonics effectively there may be an increase the reading abilities of their children. To help reduce the attainment gap the DfE (2018) have committed to improving reading and phonics attainment by increasing government funding to help schools invest in a phincs programme up until 2020. However, this has been allocated to only 108 priority schools to raise life chances for every child (Ruth Miskin, 2018). Data collected in 2013 cited that the most popular commercial provider was Read, Write, Ink. The commercially produced program Read, Write, Ink requires you to follow a set sequence which helps children to develop their phonetic knowledge (Ruth Misken, 2018). Although the DfE (2018) do not endorse any one phonics scheme, they have identified 12 opportunity areas which have a legacy challenge where there is an educational challenge ( 2016). Both Letters and Sounds and Read, Write, Inc encourage the use of their resources for both whole and individual participation. Letters and Sounds provide a range of free resources, whereas Read, Write, Inc requires you to pay a subscription fee. Thus, if you belong to a school within one of the identified opportunity areas, the subscription fee will not be a problem as funding will be provided. According to key findings published in 2013, 90 per cent of schools use Letters and Sounds as their key programme to teach phonics in key stage one and two. The programme encourages the teaching of a ‘first and fast’ approach in line with the NC (, 2013). Walker et al (2013) reported that the most commonly used phonics programme was Letters and Sounds closely followed by Jolly Phonics (, 2018). The Letters and Sounds programme is broken into six phases which include the teaching of alphabetic principles. Furthermore, children are taught to give names to capital letters and lower case letters are the sounds. Once children understand the basics, they are taught to blend, segment and decode words which contributes to them becoming fluent readers. Jolly Phonics uses a multi-sensory method which encompasses reading of words from left to write at a fast pace. To support the effectiveness of Jolly Phonics, Morag Stuarts (1999) and Marylynne Grants (1998) studies p rove phonics are highly effective when teaching children with English as a second language and significantly improves boys and girls reading ages. Each study was conducted over a period of one year and the evidence collected indicate high success rates. Furthermore, the developers of Jolly phonics were teachers in the school where Johnston and Watson (2004) conducted their Clackmannanshire report. Moreover, their report was referred to by Rose (2006) during his independent study supporting the benefits of using phonics. Thus, from the evidence herein, Jolly Phonics appears to be the more successful programme when comparing it to Letters and Sounds. In 2004, a report conducted in Clackmannanshire by Johnston and Watson, made significant recommendations that systematic synthetic phonics improved reading from an early age. Their conclusion was that reading synthetic phonics was more effective than only knowing the 26 letters of the alphabet. Instead by learning the 41 phonemes, children would have the ability to link letters to their individual sounds. When it comes to effective reading abilities, the blending and segmenting of a variety of words, demonstrates a childs phoneme knowledge as they can break down a word or build a word correctly (NRP, 2000). As a result of changing and favouring synthetic phonics, boys reading became significantly better than girls in primary’s reception year, additionally there was an increase in spelling ability overall (Johnston and Watson, 2005). Some significant limitations within the Clackmannanshire report by Johnston and Watsons (2004) were the people who were implement the phonic programmes were not controlled and varied; the childrens prior attainment and development lacked vigour and there was little information given about the schools involved ((Wyse and Styles, 2007). Furthermore, Johnston and Watson (2004) used Clackmannanshire’s council school deprivation index which does not assess the families of the children circumstances. However, a report by Barbara Foorman, David Francis, Jack Fletcher, Christopher Schatschneider and Paris Mehta (1997) chose children who had reading disabilities in one particular area with a view to implementing phonics to help develop their reading. The measures Foorman et al (1997) had in place, were to ensure the individual administration of achievement test scores, intelligence test scores, Woodcock-Johnson psycho-educational battery-revises and the Wechsler intelligence scale for children. Moreover, Foorman et al (1997) assessed the programmes compliance through weekly visits, monitoring checklists and reviewing the teacher journals for each child. Foorman et al (1997) were reflective and cautious about their findings highlighting some of their outcomes and possible differences such as demographics (Dominc Wyse and Morag Styles, 2007, p.39). However, the report conducted by Johnston and Watson (2004) had no information about how compliant they were, or how effective the teachers were. Yet, they were certain about their findings and concluded synthetic phonics superseded analytic phonics. Drawing upon the conclusion made by Johnston and Watson (2004), Rose (2006, p.49) has suggested that there is currently no strong evidence to suggest that any one systematic phonics is better than another, however he does imply it can contribute to a child’s reading accuracy. Furthermore, Anne Castles et al (2018) have concluded that there is insufficient evidence to determine the use of systematic synthetic phonics is superior to analytic phonics. Arguably, both Foorman et al (1997) and Johnston and Watson’s (2004) results, although seemingly robust, offer contrasting evidence. Thus, after analysis by both Rose (2006) and Castles et al (2018), it may be advisable that further studies need to be completed before any form of phonic programmes are put into practice. In light of the Clackmannanshire report by Johnston and Watson (2004), the government announced in 2005 that Rose (2006) would lead a review of early teaching. As part of Rose’s (2006) report, the recommendation was for systematic synthetic phonics to be included as part of early reading in primary schools (Dominic Wyse and Morag Styles, 2007). The deliverance of phonics needed to be done so in s systematic way to ensure each and every child would go on to become fluent readers (Rose, 2006). Similarly, in conjunction with the National Literacy Strategy (1997-2011), the USA’s No Child Left Behind Act which was introduced in 2001 aimed to remedy the problems in failing low achieving schools with a focus on reading. Whereas, Australias teaching reading report (2005) recommended children also need to be part of a language enriching curriculum as well as having phonic awareness. Within the USA, the children’s test scores were not statistically significant and all fund ing was removed. However, here within the United Kingdom (UK), reading outcomes improved 15 per cent over an eight year period as a result of the introduction of systematic synthetic phonics ( 2005). Therefore, the USA’s one year approach may have been a little premature and if additional time was given, there may have seen some improvement. This may suggest that by providing children with a curriculum which enhances their reading, language and combining these with phonics; this will in time, support and build the foundations for all children to be fluent readers. Rose (2006) made it clear that for systematic synthetic phonics to be successful they must be taught using a discrete system, with all children being taught by age 5. However, he also expressed that the latter was down to professional judgement as he was aware of different factors which build up a classroom environment such as; children who are multi-lingual; learning disabilities; ASD; speech and language and demographics. Furthermore, Rose (2006) implied that reading words alone does not enhance a childs reading ability but further instruction is needed; such as the implementation of phonic programmes to run along side to aid in the progression of a child reading fluently. In agreement with Rose (2006), Chall (1998) agreed that the early phonic intervention supersedes whole word teaching especially as they age. Thus, word recognition derives from a combination of approaches, such as using various phonic programmes, teacher interaction and professional judgement. In a report by OFSTED (2010) they declared that through the explicit teaching of phonics virtually every child will be able read. More recently, Clegg (2018), stated that 163,000, 6-year-old children are on track to become fluent readers since the implementation of the phonics screening test in 2012, which supports the Clackmannanshire report by Johnston and Watson(2004), Rose (2006) and OFSTED’s (2010) findings. However, Davies (2014) argues that literature and policy blurs the difference between synthesising letter sounds into a result that may not match how we say a real word properly Additionally, he suggests that local accents can also have a significant impact on a child’s understanding due to pronunciation. In agreement with Davies, I taught the Letters and Sounds programme to children who were at different levels in terms of their reading abilities. I felt that some of the sounds pronounced reflected my local dialect. For instance, when teaching the /oo/ sound a nd then implementing it into words like /look/ my pronunciation would often sound like the word /luck/. To rectify this problem, I would often be required to change the way I spoke to ensure the children could reciprocate the correct sound, which in turn would support them when they were assessed. The coalition government (2018) have identified the implications of accents when it comes to the phonics screening results and children’s test outcomes according to Davies (2014). To help eradicate the impact on results due to accent, Davies (2014) has implied that children should be marked on their ability to blend letter sounds without placing an emphasis on pronunciation, as this may be detrimental to their achievement. Taken into consideration both Rose (2006) and OFSTED’s (2010) data analysis it is becoming strikingly evident that systematic synthetic phonics are producing amazing results in terms of the reading ability of children. However, it may be argued that Davies (2014) also has a valid point as in terms of local dialect, we could be crossing the line of equality for all by not allowing for the difference in pronunciation to be taken into account. What this also leaves questionable is the robustness of the phonic screening test results. Phonics have been part of the education system for many years and although not explicitly used by schools, the results from reports conducted in Clackmannanshire by Johnston and Watson (2004) and Rose (2006) have raised the phonics profile. However, within my research, I have discovered Davies (2014), Hodgson et al, (2013 and the UKLA (2012) are all against the introduction of pseudo-words as part of the phonics screening test. One criticism is time constraints regarding children receiving a SEND diagnosis. Although a child may show signs of a learning disability such as dyslexia, without an official diagnosis and EHCP, a child may be placed at a disadvantage (Davies, 2014; Hodgson et al 2013; UKLA, 2012). Therefore, it may be suggested for these children, testing does not take place until a formal diagnosis has been made. The report devised by Rose (2006) confirmed anomalies within the Clackmannanshire by Johnston and Watson (2004) but chose to still implement a phonics programme based upon their findings. However, what Rose (2006) did do, was acknowledge areas that lacked substance and focussed only on evidence which was relevant to the task he had been placed with. Furthermore, additional research from Chall (1998) and Forman et al (1997) supports the positive impact phonics has on teaching children to read fluently. Since the introduction of systematic synthetic phonics, there has been a 15 per cent increase in the reading ability of children (, 2015). Thus, indicating the use of phonics when teaching children to read is beneficial. To enhance the use of phonics within the classroom, I found ongoing training should be given to ensure that everyone. Reports from Sui-Chu, Willms (1996) and Gater and Yates (2011)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

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Friday, May 22, 2020

Research Paper Topics For High School Office Management

<h1>Research Paper Topics For High School Office Management</h1><p>When picking research paper points for secondary school the executives class, there are numerous to browse. Regardless of whether you incline toward self-awareness or the fundamental aptitudes required for some occupations today, you ought to have the option to discover a point that will speak to the two understudies and instructors alike.</p><p></p><p>Many understudies see the flow economy as energizing and research papers that manage the subject will assist them with getting better arranged for what lies ahead. While a few understudies may have monetary concerns, others are increasingly keen on discovering approaches to dispose of unneeded things on their charge card so they don't need to stress over how they are going to pay for it. All things considered, this is the essential focal point of numerous present administration graduates as they gain proficiency with the ropes o f possessing a little business.</p><p></p><p>Finding employment opportunities ought to be simpler when one knows the fundamentals of legitimate business methods. Nonetheless, numerous understudies spend their whole school vocation focusing on the details of working with numbers, as opposed to the more close to home parts of maintaining a business. The subject of research paper points for secondary school the board class will assist them with getting a greater amount of the previous, while getting less of the last mentioned, which may come as an amazement to many.</p><p></p><p>Some understudies may feel that they need more time to give to their examinations, yet similar people may discover the subject of research paper subjects for secondary school office the executives supportive. The exploration paper will have the option to give them the data that they have to know to get that activity or get that raise they need to accomplish. As re ferenced previously, a few understudies may have a predisposition against any subject that identifies with the outside world, yet these understudies may have the correct side of their mind working in a positive way, while the opposite side of their cerebrum is encountering the contrary side of the spectrum.</p><p></p><p>As referenced above, there are various ways that you can utilize the subjects of research paper points for secondary school office the board to further your potential benefit. The more all around looked into and precise the point is, the better the odds are that the understudy will excel on the class. This is on the grounds that the more data an understudy knows and can apply, all things considered, circumstances, the better they will do in a genuine homeroom situation.</p><p></p><p>Also, numerous understudies won't have the option to discover numerous online research paper subjects for secondary school office the execu tives, except if they were explicitly searching for these kinds of points. Subsequently, it is significant that they figure out how to turn out to be progressively particular in their inquiry. The data and information that can be gained from the exploration paper points will prove to be useful for the remainder of their lives.</p><p></p><p>Most understudies appreciate being tested by getting the hang of something that is identified with their very own encounters. That is the reason discovering research paper themes for secondary school office the executives can be so valuable to the understudy, and it will be an advantage to everybody included, including the teacher.</p><p></p><p>These understudies can likewise utilize the data and the chance to become familiar with another ability that they could never have had the option to ace all alone. Albeit a few understudies might need to avoid this area of the class, they should ensure that th ey have perused and seen the entirety of the data that they can learn so as to take advantage of the class. All things considered, when you need to benefit from a class, it is in every case best to focus on the fundamentals that are required for achievement in the genuine world.</p>

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How to Get Good E-Essay Paper Samples

Step by step instructions to Get Good E-Essay Paper SamplesWhen you are searching for a decent spot to discover a lot of test talk with expositions that you can work from, you have to look no farther than composing tests. There are a few sites that can get you out with this, anyway ensure you do your examination and look at the accreditations of the organization before you focus on one that you won't be agreeable using.Since they are not free, you have to ensure that you have painstakingly looked at the locales that offer these article tests. These are for the most part assets that you can utilize, yet you have to ensure that you get what you are paying for. At the point when you go on the web, the primary thing you have to do is perused the website and read the accreditations so you know about the way that you are getting paid for the benefit of utilizing their resource.After you have done that, you can start to peruse through the exposition tests that they offer. Some of them have test expositions that you can get to this moment, while others will be accessible sooner or later, so you can verify whether they have anything new or updated.There are likewise puts on the Internet that will let you use paper tests as a see of what is coming later. This is an extraordinary method to check the nature of a composing test that you might be taking a gander at. This is likewise a phenomenal method to measure the amount you need to pay for the resource.One thing that you have to remember is that since you are attempting to make a free asset, ensure that you are paying just for the asset that is accessible to you at this moment. This is particularly obvious on the off chance that you are utilizing a help that will make the example accessible in the future.One thing that you ought to recollect about these article tests is that you ought exclude copyrighted material when you are working with these example expositions. This can truly hurt your odds of getting a new line of w ork in your field and getting hired.If you get your work done, you will have the option to spare yourself a great deal of time and dissatisfaction, particularly with regards to looking for exposition tests. You may even have the option to improve references or other data that you have to find a new line of work in your field.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Dope Movie College Essay Transcript and What You Should Do Today

<h1> Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Dope Movie College Essay Transcript and What You Should Do Today </h1> <h2> The Dirty Truth on Dope Movie College Essay Transcript </h2> <p>The paper is the underlying impression and potentially the main time you'll get the opportunity to give an impression of what your identity is. Get your imaginative energies pumping by conceptualizing all the potential thoughts you can envision to handle your school article question. Aside from the things you ought to consistently hold up under at the top of the priority list, furthermore, there are a few things which you shouldn't do while making the substance of your school paper. At that point produce a rundown of the entirety of the magnificent things about you. </p> <p>In this example, endeavor to hit the negligible words required and ensure that the article which you will compose is pressed with pertinent data and valuable subtleties. It should have the option to epitomize the chief purposes of the conversation and the essence in a speedy passage. A concise sentence is used to deliver the enthusiastic goals of the affirmation article. Two new paper alternatives are included, and some of the past inquiries are amended. </p> <p>Upcoming undergrads may likewise be mentioned to make a school exposition for a segment of their first necessities. Universities distribute parcels and a ton of one of a kind sorts of things, any of which is useful for examine. They are not searching for impeccable individuals. </p> <p>Colleges care about the amounts of acknowledgments profoundly, so it could assist with understanding you're a slam dunk. They are searching for a feeling of development and introspectionpinpoint the change and exhibit your self-improvement. For instance, they may grant various quantities of credits for basically a similar course. They are bound to concede understudies who can express explicit reasons why the school is a solid match for them past its notoriety or positioning on any rundown. </p> <h2> Choosing Good Dope Movie College Essay Transcript</h2> <p>Because the exposition is excessively dry at the present time, some extra voice would truly offer the paper a lift. At the point when you emulate the activity composed by another person and move it as your individual it's for the most part alluded to as unoriginality. One of indisputably the most inconvenient things recorded as a hard copy articles is making up an extraordinary title. In the event t hat you simply have 500 words that is not a lot of room. </p> <p>By using different look into paper models, you can make sure about a superior thought regarding what group you wish to create your exposition. There are numerous approaches to start an article, so this would exclusively depend on the idea you have as a main priority. There are loads of answers for your exposition composing needs on the web yet some are obviously better than others. Connecting with A fantastic paper is locks in. </p> <p>Personal exposition models empower you to recognize what ought to be remembered for your own special individual paper. Normally, looking over the internet with the expectation of complimentary articles can be extremely testing. At the point when you're done composition, you need to ensure your exposition despite everything holds fast to the brief. The manner in which the theme influenced you'll have a gigantic impact in the manner you will compose your article. &l t;/p> <p>Remember your exposition shouldn't be influential, however enlightening and useful. To find out about expositions, it's imperative to acknowledge why articles are such a significant part of scholastics. Despite the fact that your article should be about you, it should be brief. Before you begin composing your school article, you may need to see the exposition examplesA that we've recorded for you, so you may have more thought on what things to place in the school paper which you will make. </p> <p>Individual schools at times need supplemental articles. The span of your paper isn't what colleges scan for. You wish to advise in the event that it is conceivable to adapt to examines or in the event that you may fit in the educational plan. Try not to reorder precisely the same article for each school. </p> <p>The decision must have a survey of the huge components of your article, and you have to likewise repeat your proposition. The fact of the matter is very significant recorded as a hard copy school application articles, you can likewise find out about composing a prosperous school application exposition to find out additional. There are loads of spots to begin your quest for grant exposition models. At the point when you're choosing a subject, it is very pivotal that you pick one which is identified with the course you need to form the school article for, and you have to likewise ensure that it draws out some of the solid focuses you have examined in your group. </p> <p>Providing duplicates of transcripts is a genuinely standard methodology for them so it ought to be easy to present your solicitation. They requested online through your application are additionally viewed as official. Scholastic transcripts aren't naturally sent at the finish of your program. In cas e you're mentioning a transcript for an alternate scholastic foundation, you. </p> <h2>Things You Won't Like About Dope Movie College Essay Transcript and Things You Will </h2> <p>There are some particular strategies refering to dependent on what you'd love to underscore in your referencing (for instance, the executive or the individuals in question). For instance, if an understudy doesn't invest in a specific amount of energy in their work they probably won't get through the class. While giving in-content references to MLA, you can find that the in-content reference coordinates the beginning of the activity refered to posting. To make finding a source generally basic, the in-content reference will simply reflect the beginning of the posting that is found at the end of the paper. </p> <p>Using terrible punctuation can seriously detract from the attribute of your composition and can give a poor impression of whom you are. A few of the altering stra tegies used in the film are utilized with the goal of making both one of a kind styles of the film. There are numerous arrangements to choose from while thinking about how to make your exposition. So spend the sign starting there. </p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Marketing Plan for Entrepreneur - 10970 Words

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF BUSINESS Chair of Management and Marketing COURSE PAPER Written for the â€Å"Business Organization† course on the topic: â€Å"MARKETING PLAN FOR ENTREPRENEUR† Prepare by: 3rd year student Full time, group MN – 0901; C.A. Sankova Checked by: Houman Sanandaji, Senior Lecturer Almaty 2010 Content INTRODUCTION. 5 Chapter 1. THE ESSENCE, TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES OF MARKETING PLAN AND ITS CONTROL 6 1.1 The concept and the essence of marketing. 6 1.2 Components of marketing research. 7 1.3 Stages of†¦show more content†¦The object of study is the Zhambil Library, which is the non profit enterprise strongly in need of active marketing promotion. I conducted a situational analysis, analysis of the competitive environment, and presents data on the characteristics of overall library’s activity. In order to improve marketing activities, I propose several strategies and programs that will help identify customers’ choices especially young ones, active communication with visitors in order to receive feedback, organization of competition, and thematic events within the library’s boundaries to attract as many readers as possible and increase overall interest to libraries. In the course work used a number of schemes organized structures used in marketing activities which can be analyzed to choose the best option. Chapter 1. THE ESSENCE, TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES OF MARKETING PLAN AND ITS CONTROL 1.1 The concept and the essence of marketing. Company can build its management based on different concepts -financial, by accounting the best areas of expenditure and investments; competitive, displacing any way a competitor from the market, commodity, improving quality indicators of their products, etc. However, at present time the greatest effect in the management gives marketingShow MoreRelatedSuccess And Success : An Analysis Of Startup Business1124 Words   |  5 Pagessuccessful business marketing plan has little to do with a gut feeling or a hunch; it is rather based on sound market research. A competitive advantage will be given to any small business that realizes this. This is not however, where entrepreneurs focus there attentions. Even though well done market research is crucial for understanding the competition, most entrepreneur ideas center on entrepreneur business opportunities and creating successful products. If an entrepreneur spends time understandingRead MoreMarketing Methods Of Creative Marketing Techniques 1189 Words   |  5 PagesCreative Marketing Techniques The other day I went to Denver to visit my mom. Near the entrance to her independent living facility, they were building a bunch of new condos. As I rounded the corner, I could not help but notice a woman dressed only in a bikini and a stocking cap holding up a grand opening sign. It seemed odd and out of place to see a woman so scantily dressed as the temperature was in the 30 s. My curiosity was piqued. As I got closer, I noticed that it was not a real woman at allRead MoreSmall Business 101 Essay1495 Words   |  6 Pagesindustries. Even though these statistics are scary for new entrepreneurs, they have to look at the grit and the good business planning and execution of successful ones and they should try to be in the success list Hupalo, P. I. (2001). There are certain red flags to indicate that business is in the verge of failure and close to getting bankrupt. No business would abruptly go down and there will definitely be symptoms. If the entrepreneur has difficulty in paying his bill, market for the productRead MoreEssay on Starting a Business Plan1664 Words   |  7 Pagesadvice for a new entrepreneur interested in starting a business is to create a solid business plan that outlines the business in its entirety. A well-constructed, written business plan will help owners remain focused on their operations, marketing and financial measures through the duration of the business life. In addition, knowing the risks involved in starting a business can help prevent and minimize mistakes that cause many entrepreneurs to fail within the first year. Business plans should continuouslyRead MoreDesigning A One Stop Shop For Aspiring Entrepreneurs918 Words   |  4 Pagespractically any purpose that a user would need something for, from o rdering car service to checking up on social media outlets, there is an application for it. A virtual entrepreneur mobile application is a great application to bring into the mobile market. The idea behind the application is to create a one-stop shop for aspiring entrepreneurs who need assistance into building their business form the ground up. This application main task is to assist users in the steps of getting their business off the groundRead MoreThe Potential Benefits Of Being An Entrepreneur1190 Words   |  5 Pagesmight be the potential benefits of being an entrepreneur for you personally? †¢ One of the major advantages of being an entrepreneur is the idea of having financial freedom. Entrepreneur’s salary is based on their effort and thus do not have to worry about what the employer offers them. †¢ Entrepreneurship offers independence as entrepreneurs make their own decisions and are not restricted by company policy. †¢ Another key benefit of being an entrepreneur is that it is flexible in terms of schedulingRead MoreA Report On New Zealand1434 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Content of article is with major attention for the better scope that entrepreneur in New Zealand. Conversation with Mr. Vishal, who happens to be a hospitality entrepreneur; about the entrepreneurship prospects in the country and the variety of factors that are to be measured. This segment is taken by him so as to make a beginning and enlarge his business in Hospitality industry. The reason which works to be the driving force for his to move ahead in this direction is the high demandRead MoreCase Study : Bringing Yanjing Beer1651 Words   |  7 PagesExecutive Summary This case study looks at the problems facing immigrant entrepreneurs in Canada and key recommendations to follow in order to succeed in starting a profitable company. Shu Guo, like 40,000 other immigrants, came to Canada seeking entrepreneurial opportunities, but many would fall short. Immigrant entrepreneurs in Canada find themselves falling to the same problems. These include a lack of start-up money, correct marketing to find customers, dealing with government regulations that theyRead MorePublic Relations, Advertisement, And Marketing1014 Words   |  5 PagesRae Elizabeth Knobloch 09-03-15 PR Paper P.A.M. Many are unclear on the differences between public relations, advertisement, and marketing. They are very different and each has distinct characteristics that define their roles in the workforce. When public relations, marketing, and advertisement are used together they can be used to form a very successful plan if used to their full advantages. Worldwide, people aren’t sure what public relations role is in the workplace. Public relations is aRead MoreMarketing Strategy : A Product Or A Service Prototype Essay1419 Words   |  6 PagesMarketing Strategy Every entrepreneur should work big and fast by prioritizing growth over profitability, dominating the current market before any competitors. As a result, faithful customers and functional profit will naturally emerge. â€Å"If you have a great product, getting in the door may be the hardest part of the battle† (Kawasaki, 2004, pg.49). It is just impossible to walk into any startup without having someone giving it a discussion. The basic marketing plan of raising awareness, to generate

Monday, May 11, 2020

What You Need to Do About Morehead Cain Scholarship Essay Samples Beginning in the Next 9 Minutes

<h1> What You Need to Do About Morehead Cain Scholarship Essay Samples Beginning in the Next 9 Minutes </h1> <p>The absolute initial step to any paper composing is to choose a subject of intrigue. Remember to start your article strongit ought to have the ability to start the interests of your perusers. In case you're searching for top paper composing organizations, give a shot the referenced previously. There are various paper composing administrations that believe they're the absolute best, and subsequently don't be cheated and check the certifiable rundown of the very best.</p> <p>Let's investigate a few thoughts regarding what your exposition feature might be. The short article presents some of the potential paper questions. It clarifies the significance of such article, covers potential subjects and gives brief data on each piece of the work. </p> <p>An paper framework can assist you with arranging the general structure of your article. It's easy to call attention to an article which has been composed exclusively for its enthusiasm. An extraordinary exposition is one which leaves an enduring impression. An individual paper is a sublime decision as it's typically acknowledged as a subject theme and all the time it's the subject required. </p> <p>The meeting will take under 10 minutes, and you'll get the opportunity to do rehearse heretofore. It is anything but an ordinary class paper that you could re-try to get a superior evaluation. To win, you should compose a short exposition about the Seventh Amendment and the manner in which it impacts your life. </p> <h2> The Foolproof Morehead Cain Scholarship Essay Samples Strategy</h2> <p>Samples are promptly accessible to find in the ODS office. Candidates that are inaccessible for nearby meetings should contact ODS before the support applica tion cutoff time to discuss other meeting decisions. Make certain to track with the appropriate organization, comprising of the general bits of an article. </p> <p>This data could be remembered for unequivocally a similar report as your private explanation. The absolute organization of your exposition, for instance, text dimension and edges, will exclusively depend on the guidelines gave to you. You may complete this structure before presenting your other application materials. Three individual structures must be submitted in front of the underwriting cutoff time in order to complete your application. </p> <p>To raise the chances of your exposition being fruitful, dissect the organization you're applying to. Truly, there'll be no evaluations at all. Go over the exposition with your buddies and relatives. </p> <p>The application requires a 250-word article on why you should get this grant. The Morehead-Cain Foundation, place of the absolute first legitimacy grant program in the USA, established at the absolute first state funded college in the country, is satisfied to report the best class in its history. With a grant, you have zero decision to fall flat. Make an application for all college grants using the NinerScholars Portal. </p> <p>Students ought to present an application for each grant for which they're qualified, regardless of whether it's simple or troublesome, well known or disagreeable, serious or less serious. Along these lines, an understudy will make sure about a unimaginable delineation of an individual explanation notwithstanding the affirmations officials' gratefulness and wanted grant. That isn't just for Morehead-Cain understudies yet for understudies as a rule. </p> <p>How would you be able to move toward schoolwork you don't care for. You don't need to be stressed over your own subtleties that might be seen, as we handle the issue on a sheltered system. Your rundown is possibly going to gracefully you with a migraine in the event that you don't find a solution for end your issues. </p> <h2> Who Else Wants to Learn About Morehead Cain Scholarship Essay Samples? </h2> <p>It's harder than any time in recent memory to run over nice load up individuals. It' s a huge possibility for those in money related need. It's hard to concoct the right model for that since I have a ton of difficulties, I have a lot of achievements. The activity of composing meddles with the surge of thought. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

Writing Nursing Scholarships Essay Examples

Writing Nursing Scholarships Essay ExamplesThere are many types of Nursing Scholarships Essay Examples available on the Internet. These are often for online students to practice writing and get ideas from. They can also get some ideas about the different types of essays, that a person would have to write in order to apply for and get into a nursing program.It is always a good idea to get some idea of what type of essay you should be doing before you begin writing it. That way, you know what type of ideas you would want to use. For example, if you do not know what type of essay to write you can see how you would look to the person who did the essay for you.Writing an essay can be very challenging for a person to do. It can take someone some time to figure out how to write a proper essay. There are many different types of information that you will need to include in your essay. You will need to find all the important information for each section that you are going to be writing.It can be very frustrating for anyone to write an essay. They feel like they are wasting their time when they have to start writing each section over again. Sometimes, you will even make mistakes that will not show up until you are done writing it. That is why it is always good to do some practice writing to see how you would look like to a person who has written essays for other people.That is where a lot of great ideas can come from. The more you can practice the more you will learn how to write an essay. The more you learn how to write the better you will look when you have a proper essay. You will want to make sure that the information you are including is vital to your writing.It can be very hard to figure out what information you want to include in your essay. Some people know what they want to include but just do not know where to get the information. It can be helpful to find a site that includes lots of different types of information that can help you in the process of writing an essay. The best thing is to look for some good nursing scholarships essays examples.They will be easy to find and they are very important to the process of writing the essay. You can find them through different types of search engines. Most everyone has heard of them though so you might as well use them.Some of the common areas that are included in writing a nursing scholarship essay include making sure that the essay is grammatically correct. It is important to know where to put different terms so that you can get your points across to the reader. They will be looking for the right information and the writer needs to make sure that they are using the right information to get the point across. Nursing scholarships essays examples will help you out greatly as well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Smoke Free Policy - 1045 Words

As businesses transition into a smoke free work place, the total environment is condemned smoke free. Twenty years ago, restaurants allowed customers to smoke, where as now that smoke free policy has risen there are almost no restaurants or bars that allow smoking in the building. The majority of a restaurant’s customers are non smokers; therefore the income of customers would increase because non smokers would not have to worry about second hand smoke. Based on Zagat’s Release of 2008 America’s top restaurants survey, â€Å" The 2008 Zagat Survey â€Å" America’s Top Restaurants of 132,000 Americans noted that â€Å"The verdict on smoking is overwhelming with seventy seven percent of diners saying they’d eat out less if smoking were permitted in local†¦show more content†¦In addition, has reported that the chemicals in the butts of cigarettes and the butt itself affects the water quality and is deadly to the aquatic life. In America, there is the Freedom of Choice. People may choose to use tobacco, or they can take a healthier route and use nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes. Both of these alternatives still deliver nicotine, but the difference is it is directly into the bloodstream, therefore there is not tobacco clogging the user’s lungs and no second hand smoking. According to Amy Renshaw, a Vanderbilt University Psychology student, the nicotine patches continuously pass small doses of nicotine into the bloodstream preventing nicotine cravings (Par.4). Renshaw states Nicoderm CQ, a patch producing company, has a ten week program that cost $175 dollars. A charge of $175 dollars for ten weeks is less than a two week supple of cigarettes (Par. 5). A test was completed by Davidson et al. and the results were the people who knew they were wearing the patch had a quitting percentage of eight percent, compared to the blinded subjects that had a quitting percentage of four percent. (Par. 5). Another successful alternative to stop the use of tobacco is an electronic cigarette. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, an electronic cigarette, or an e-cigarette, is a smokeless, battery operated device that delivers flavored nicotine to the lungs, butShow MoreRelatedPerspectives Of Smoke Free Policies1287 Words   |  6 PagesCritique: Perspectives of Smoke-free Policies in Hospitals Carissa Genrick 7705851 University of Ottawa April 10th, 2016 Professor Pat Durston Qualitative Research Critique: Perspectives of Smoke-free Policies in Hospitals The research article and study â€Å"A qualitative investigation of smoke-free policies on hospital property† by Annette Schultz, Barry Finegan, Candace. Nykiforuk, and Margaret A. Kvern, had a purpose â€Å"to determine the consequences of policies mandating smoke-free hospital propertyRead MoreThe Effectiveness Of Smoke Free Policies2920 Words   |  12 PagesThe Effectiveness of Smoke-Free Policies Katie Valinske Since the US Surgeon General’s report on the dangers of Tobacco in 1964, Americans have gradually learned about the dangers of tobacco use, and the number of Americans who smoke is steadily decreasing. There are many forms of tobacco use, and numerous ways for someone to die from using tobacco. Even for those individuals who have never smoked, just being around secondhand smoke significantly increases one’s risk for a multitude health issuesRead MoreThe Dangers Of Smoking Tobacco1121 Words   |  5 PagesSecondhand Smoke (SHS) is a dangerous byproduct of smoking that affects anyone who comes into contact with the smoke. Educating the community about the dangers and unintended consequences of being around cigarettes is a focus of this paper, as well as looking into the effectiveness of current smoke-free policies. There are businesses and cities that are becoming smoke-free, and they are putting policies into place that legally protect the non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke via involuntaryRead MoreCampus Wide Proposal For Fayette County Community Action Agency1100 Words   |  5 Pagesto the well-being of the customers, residents, employees and business partners. The agencies staff and partners are dedicated to helping people help themselves, help each other, and enhance the community s quality of life. With the impending HUD policy applicable to Public Housing Agencies, and the federal Governments position on smoking the mandate is clear. Smoking is bad for the public’s health. The professional staff of the Agency and partnered organizations provide education, awareness andRead MoreEffects Of Smoking On College Campuses Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe University of Miami knew a fully smoke-free campus would be a challenge, so the university tried to combat this ch allenge with three different phases to ease the campus community into a fully smoke-free area. Over the past four years, the Be Smoke Free Campaign has promoted a healthy environment for the students, staff, faculty, and visitors of the University of Miami. Phase one prohibited smoking with the exception of designated smoking areas around campus in September of 2011. Phase two inRead MoreIs Smoking A Bad Phenomenon?1306 Words   |  6 Pagesdoctors and scientist are confirmed health dangers, economic dangers and social dangers for smoking there is a huge numbers of college students smokers. The purpose of this paper is to provide a literature review concerning policy implementation in reference to campuses that are smoke-free. In spite of the general success in present decades of curbing the rate of smoking in various countries, the smoking prevalence among the youth aged 20 to 24 is still higher compared to any other demographic age. AddressingRead MoreEffects Of Smoking On The Un ited States1570 Words   |  7 Pagesproven a decline in smoking. However, there are still millions of people that smoke in the United State of America. As a result, the effect of smoking has become a major health risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death, disease, and disability in the US. The health hazards attributable to exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) are very pronounced. Tobacco is composed of more than 7,000 chemicalRead MoreBanning Smoking Should Be Banned877 Words   |  4 Pagesban the smoking on any campus property. Beside of that, the University campus will follow Smoke and Tobacco-Free Initiative policy in August 2015. Therefore, the policy will impose by using a community model† (Hill, 2015). That means each member at Ohio University would remain any smoker with the policy. Moreover, Ohio University hopes the campus becomes healthier without tobacco. But, through this policy lots of members whose smoking in Ohio University campus will be affected. So, banning smokingRead MoreShould Smoking Tobacco Be Banned?847 Words   |  4 Pagesdecides to ban the smoking on any campus property. Beside of that, the University campus will follow Smoke and Tobacco-Free Initiative policy in August 2015. Therefore, the policy will impose by using a co mmunity model†. That means each member at Ohio University would remain any smoker with the policy. Moreover, Ohio University hopes Ohio campus becomes healthier and without tobacco. But, through this policy lots of members whose smoking in Ohio University campus will be affected.So, banning smoking tobaccoRead MoreBenefits Of Creating A Smoke Free Campus896 Words   |  4 Pagesis the switch to a relatively smoke-free campus. A smoke-free campus is something that most campuses around the country are in line to make a change to. There are many benefits to creating a smoke-free university with only a few of them being that it dramatically helps in stopping first-time smokers, it would eliminate any unnecessary waste around campus, and it also helps promote a healthier community as a whole. Ever since the University launched its ‘Clean Air Policy’ in January, campus officials

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Manhattan Project And The A

Manhattan Project And The A-Bomb Essay Just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Urged by Hungarian-born physicists Leo Szilard, Eugene Wingner, and Edward Teller, Einstein told Roosevelt about Nazi German efforts to purify Uranium-235 which might be used to build an atomic bomb. Shortly after that the United States Government began work on the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was the code name for the United States effort to develop the atomic bomb before the Germans did. The first successful experiments in splitting a uranium atom had been carried out in the autumn of 1938 at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin(Groueff 9) just after Einstein wrote his letter. So the race was on. Major General Wilhelm D. Styer called the Manhattan Project the most important job in the war . . . an all-out effort to build an atomic bomb.(Groueff 5) It turned out to be the biggest development in warfare and sciences biggest development this century. The most complicated issue to be addressed by the scientists working on the Manhattan Project was the production of ample amounts of enriched uranium to sustain a chain reaction.(Outlaw 2) At the time, Uranium-235 was hard to extract. Of the Uranium ore mined, only about 1/500 th of it ended up as Uranium metal. Of the Uranium metal, the fissionable isotope of Uranium (Uranium- 235) is relatively rare, occurring in Uranium at a ratio of 1 to 139.(Szasz 15) Separating the one part Uranium-235 from the 139 parts Uranium-238 proved to be a challenge. No ordinary chemical extraction could separate the two isotopes. Only mechanical methods could effectively separate U-235 from U-238.(2) Scientists at Columbia University solved this difficult problem. A massive enrichment laboratory/plant(Outlaw 2) was built at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. H. C. Urey, his associates, and colleagues at Columbia University designed a system that worked on the principle of gaseous diffusion.(2) After this process was completed, Ernest O. Lawrence (inventor of the Cyclotron) at the University of California in Berkeley implemented a process involving magnetic separation of the two isotopes. (2) Finally, a gas centrifuge was used to further separate the Uranium-235 from the Uranium-238. The Uranium-238 is forced to the bottom because it had more mass than the Uranium-235. In this manner uranium-235 was enriched from its normal 0.7% to weapons grade of more than 90%. (Grolier 5) This Uranium was then transported to the Los Alamos, N. Mex., laboratory headed by J. Robert Oppenheimer. (Grolier 5) Oppenheimer was the major force behind the Manhattan Project. He literally ran the show and saw to it that all of the great minds working on this project made their brainstorms work. He oversaw the entire project from its conception to its completion.(Outlaw 3) Once the purified Uranium reached New Mexico, it was made into the components of a gun-type atomic weapon. Two pieces of U-235, individually not large enough to sustain a chain reaction, were brought together rapidly in a gun barrel to form a supercritical mass that exploded ineztaneously.(Grolier 5) It was originally nicknamed Thin Man'(after Roosevelt, but later renamed Little Boy (for nobody) when technical changes shortened the proposed gun barrel.(Szasz 25) The scientists were so confident that the gun-type atomic bomb would work no test was conducted, and it was first employed in military action over Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug. 6, 1945. (Grolier 5) Before the Uranium-235 Little Boy bomb had been developed to the point of seeming assured of success,(Grolier 5) another bomb was proposed. The Uranium-238 that had been earlier ruled out as an option was being looked at. It could capture a free neutron without fissioning and become Uranium-239. But the Uranium-239 thus produced is unstable (radioactive) and decays first to neptunium-239 and then to plutonium-239. Drunk Driving(Interlock) Essay No man-made phenomenon of such tremendous power had ever occurred before . . . Thirty seconds after the explosion came, first, the air blast pressing hard against people and things, to be followed almost immediately by the strong, sustained, awesome roar which warned of doomsday and made us feel that we puny things were blasphemous to dare tamper with forces heretofore reserved to the Almighty. Words are inadequate tools for the job of acquainting those not present with the physical, mental and psychological effects.(Groueff 355) Upon witnessing the explosion, reactions among the bombs creators were mixed. Their mission had been successfully accomplished, however, they questioned whether the equilibrium in nature had been upset as if humankind had become a threat to the world it inhabited.(Outlaw 3) Oppenheimer was ecstatic about the success of the bomb, but quoted a fragment from Bhagavad Gita. I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. Many people who were involved in the creation of the atomic bomb signed petitions against dropping the bomb. The atomic bomb has been used twice in warfare. The Uranium bomb nicknamed Little Boy, which weighed over 4. 5 tons, was dropped over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. At 0815 hours the bomb was dropped from the Enola Gay. It missed Ground Zero at 1,980 feet by only 600 feet. At 0816 hours, in the flash of an inezt, 66,000 people were killed and 69,000 people were injured by a 10 kiloton atomic explosion. (Outlaw 4) Nagasaki fell to the same treatment as Hiroshima on August 9, 1945. The plutonium bomb, Fat Man, was dropped on the city. It missed its intended target by over one and a half miles. Nagasakis population dropped in one split-second from 422,000 to 383,000. 39,000 were killed, over 25,000 were injured. That blast was less than 10 kilotons as well. Physicists who have studied the atomic explosions conclude that the bombs utilized only 0.1% of their respective explosive capabilities. (Outlaw 4) Controversy still exists about dropping the two atomic bombs on Japan. Arguments defending the Japanese claim the atomic bomb did not win the war in the Pacific; at best, it hastened Japanese acceptance of a defeat that was viewed as inevitable.(Grolier 8) Other arguments state that the United States should have warned the Japanese, or that we should have invited them to a public demonstration. In retrospect that U. S. use of the atomic bomb may have been the first act of the cold war.(Grolier 8) On the other side, advocates claimed that the invasion of the Japanese islands could and would result in over one million military casualties plus the civilian losses based on previous invasions of Japanese occupied islands.